這次在開放科技高峰會[1]的時候, 元智的學生展示了一個有趣的計畫 : 用 Wii 遙控器來控制 Roomba 掃地機器人. 他們是使用一個 PXA255 的開發板 (ARCOM VIPER[2]), 而該開發版則是透過 bluetooth 接收來自 Wii 遙控器的訊號, 使用 libiiwmote 來開發程式,

開發板與 Roomba 的近照
The close view of the Rooma and the PC board.

手上的遙控器就是 Wii remote
The Wii remote was held in the student's hand
If you are interested in such project, you may contact:
郭家賓 s956007 at mail dot yzu dot edu dot tw,
李恆均 s956010 at mail dot yzu dot edu dot tw
I really want to buy the PC board to hack the Roomba :p
But the other idea is to buy a more expensive PDA or MID to connect the Roomba. ( Although Thinker Li reminds me that the PDA lack the GPIO function ) But as an amateur linux nerd, If I can buy an Android phone and connect it to Roomba, maybe I can use the browser to see how my Roomba to clean my house, and then ask the Android phone to take a picture at the same time, and then send me a message when Roomba finished the duty, and then ...., and then ... ...
I know they're all thinking I'm so white and nerdy[4]
我好想買個開發版來 hack Roomba 呀 :p
不過另一個想法是買個貴一點的 PDA or MID 接上 Roomba. ( 雖然 Thinker 曾提醒我 PDA 缺乏 GPIO 的功能 ) 不過身為一個業餘的 linux 宅男, 真的很希望能夠買到 Android phone 然後接到 Roomba, 然後用瀏覽器看看我的 Roomba 打掃的狀況, 然後順便還可以拍一張像, 然後傳簡訊告訴我 Rooma 完成掃地工作, 然後 ...., 然後 ....
我知道他們都覺得我又白又宅 [4] :p
1. http://blog.pofeng.org/2008/05/blog-about-open-technology-summit.html
2. http://www.arcom.com/pc104-xscale-viper.htm
3. Thanks to d0tslash to provide the pictures. He is the main developer of s3d project ( http://s3d.berlios.de/ )
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CmK-VOlYjU