雖然會變的的很黑 但是我還是來了
沒有聽到有人說 他們要捍衛自己的工作權
我沒有聽到有人說 他們不想競爭
也許 就我所認知的這個世界
並不會給你們一個 很好的回答
也許今天 活動還是沒有辦法得到 大家所想要得到的
常常社會運動 改變的不是這個社會本身 而是各位自己
你們今天拿著這些口號 喊著 你們要保衛台灣人民的健康
我希望 這些話你們都聽在自己的耳朵裡面
也許這個世界很黑暗 但是我希望
我代表台灣民眾 站在你們這邊 沒有站錯地方
我希望 今天 如果活動還是失敗
將來 絕對不要成為你們今天所看不起的那些人 好不好?
補記 531
波蘭醫學生事件,531遊行 ,九把刀:
補記 Disney
Day 1 TPE to NRT
I forgot to install chewing in my ASUS eeepc, so that I decide to write this travelling memo in English. Thanks to Google GEAR, I can keep reading my mail and dealing with some stuff of COSCUP on the airplane. Anyway, I finally have some time to type the memo for myself. Lucien is watching Sponge Bob now. Lynn is reading the shopping guide. I hope she will not spend too much money. *grin* I am listening to the latest Mandarin pop music.
We are going to stay in Tokyo Disney Land for 3 nights. It's really much more convenient than before. We rent a japan PHS on Internet, and book the hotel on Internet ( but due to Lynn's heavy loading, to save some time, I suggest her to spend some money and ask the agent to book the hotel and the airplane ticket for us )
Lynn just stop Lucien to watch more cartoon and she also ask me why I still can access gmail on the airplane :p
Internet really change my life, and I think the Google Chrome OS will change my life too. But since there is no X Window System in the Chrome OS, to input Chinese will be a problem. And I remember there is an input method on frame buffer. Another option is to keep working on the input method based on html and javascript. For stoke-base input method, there is a flash-based input method ( not open source ) in Mainland China. I think Adobe and Google are working together to solve the problem in off-line flash application. I hope there will be a BOF to talk about this issue in COSCUP 2009.
The popo event ( Poland medical student and 5/31 march ) is also a great impaction in my life. I really admire the 決心 of spicycop and the 醫學生聯合會. Do not laugh at me, but I cry many times when I am along. Although there are still many many many problem in the Taiwan NIH. But I decide to be the 嘗試撲滅森林大火的蜂鳥, or 在海邊慢慢把海星放回大海的小孩. And thanks to the democracy, we can arrange 5/31 march ( in fact, it is an illegal march ) to attract more people to care about this thing. And now 考選部 decide to refuse to the student to take the medical license exam if they did not receive full internship training. The next step should be ask 監察院 and 檢調單位 to uncover the crime under the table.
And It's really fun to type this memo, Although the NIH environment is still bad, but I really spend too much time in my job I hope I can spend more time with my family in the future.
Day 4 NRT to TPE
( on the bus to the airport )
Lynn and Lucien are sleeping. The Hotel Minracosta provide Internet access via ethernet, but I have no time to use it, so that I am stilling using gdoc offline mode. I hope the organization of COSCUP is smooth. I've been to Tokyo Disney 2 times, this is my 3rd tip to Disney Land ( both Disney Land and Disney Sea ) The first time was about 20 years ago, with my mother and my poor English. The 2ed time was with Lynn and better but still poor English. The Disney Sea was not opened at that time. Finally, this year, I had some time to go to the Disney Land and Disney Sea with Lynn and Lucien. I remembered that the 1st Tokyo trip was my first time to leave Taiwan. I am so shy that I can not speak any English to the people in Japan. ( Maybe a little English, I am not sure. ) My parent always laugh at me that they spend so much money for me to learn English, but I still afraid of talking to Japanese in English. I remembered that my younger brother talked to others in English for several times. I think my English improved a little bit during my senior high school. In order to play the computer game - Ultima ( a role-playing game, with a lot of English conversation), I must look up many words in dictionary. And because there were so may words that I did not understand, I had to guess the meaning of the word to avoid to spend too much time on dictionary. But sometimes, I guess wrong, so that it took me even more time to solve the quest in the computer game. Therefore, to play the game quickly, I must find a balance between guessing the meaning of each word and understanding every word by dictionary.
The first to trip to japan made my eyes open. I began to enjoy travelling oversea to know to how they are different from us. Errrrrr, Got to take off the bus now.
( in Narita Airport )
I am eating Sankai Don (山海丼, raw fish on rice). Lucine is eating Sushi. Lynn is shopping, again, and I hope, again, she will not spend too much money. *grin* There is wifi signal in the airport. It will charge 500 Yen for one day. I have only 30 minutes left, so I keep typing this note offline.
( in the airplane )
There are many video advertisements on the small screen when the airplane is flying up. Maybe someday Google will notice this is also an opportunity to display personalized advertisement, althoughI remember that the experiment of Google advertisement on printed media failed. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, The EVA airline use Linux to build the on-plane interactive media. 喔喔喔喔喔, 剛剛拍到令科技阿宅超級興奮的畫面, 長榮航空機上互動娛樂媒體採用 Linux.

( Ouch, it really take me too much time to type in Chinese with Microsoft 新注音. ) After finishing his meal, Lucien is playing the photo frame craft kits. Lynn is helping Lucien to assemble the frame. I really really really thanks Lynn for arranging this trip. She spent a lot of time on Internet surfing to find correct information. For example, I suggest we should take a bus from Narita Airport to Tokyo Disney Sea. I've asked our travel agent, and I was so surprised that the Taiwan travel agent provide wrong information, they told me there was no such kind of bus, the travel agent suggest us to take electronic Japan Railroad !!! But Lynn find 利木津 bus can take us to Disney Land. *shouting* I LOVE YOU LYNN !!!!!!!!
The artificial environment in Tokyo Disney Sea is more delcate than the environment in Tokyo Disney Land. And the show in the night was really amazing. I suggest all of my friends should go to Disney to see the show ( and you can email me to ask to how to get a better position to see the show ) We give up 太陽劇團 in the Disney and choose many Disney's self-made show, like the Little Mermaid and Aladdin show.
Oh, the captain just announced that we are going to land on Taoyuan Airport in ten minutes. I have to turn off my computer now.
I forgot to install chewing in my ASUS eeepc, so that I decide to write this travelling memo in English. Thanks to Google GEAR, I can keep reading my mail and dealing with some stuff of COSCUP on the airplane. Anyway, I finally have some time to type the memo for myself. Lucien is watching Sponge Bob now. Lynn is reading the shopping guide. I hope she will not spend too much money. *grin* I am listening to the latest Mandarin pop music.
We are going to stay in Tokyo Disney Land for 3 nights. It's really much more convenient than before. We rent a japan PHS on Internet, and book the hotel on Internet ( but due to Lynn's heavy loading, to save some time, I suggest her to spend some money and ask the agent to book the hotel and the airplane ticket for us )
Lynn just stop Lucien to watch more cartoon and she also ask me why I still can access gmail on the airplane :p
Internet really change my life, and I think the Google Chrome OS will change my life too. But since there is no X Window System in the Chrome OS, to input Chinese will be a problem. And I remember there is an input method on frame buffer. Another option is to keep working on the input method based on html and javascript. For stoke-base input method, there is a flash-based input method ( not open source ) in Mainland China. I think Adobe and Google are working together to solve the problem in off-line flash application. I hope there will be a BOF to talk about this issue in COSCUP 2009.
The popo event ( Poland medical student and 5/31 march ) is also a great impaction in my life. I really admire the 決心 of spicycop and the 醫學生聯合會. Do not laugh at me, but I cry many times when I am along. Although there are still many many many problem in the Taiwan NIH. But I decide to be the 嘗試撲滅森林大火的蜂鳥, or 在海邊慢慢把海星放回大海的小孩. And thanks to the democracy, we can arrange 5/31 march ( in fact, it is an illegal march ) to attract more people to care about this thing. And now 考選部 decide to refuse to the student to take the medical license exam if they did not receive full internship training. The next step should be ask 監察院 and 檢調單位 to uncover the crime under the table.
And It's really fun to type this memo, Although the NIH environment is still bad, but I really spend too much time in my job I hope I can spend more time with my family in the future.
Day 4 NRT to TPE
( on the bus to the airport )
Lynn and Lucien are sleeping. The Hotel Minracosta provide Internet access via ethernet, but I have no time to use it, so that I am stilling using gdoc offline mode. I hope the organization of COSCUP is smooth. I've been to Tokyo Disney 2 times, this is my 3rd tip to Disney Land ( both Disney Land and Disney Sea ) The first time was about 20 years ago, with my mother and my poor English. The 2ed time was with Lynn and better but still poor English. The Disney Sea was not opened at that time. Finally, this year, I had some time to go to the Disney Land and Disney Sea with Lynn and Lucien. I remembered that the 1st Tokyo trip was my first time to leave Taiwan. I am so shy that I can not speak any English to the people in Japan. ( Maybe a little English, I am not sure. ) My parent always laugh at me that they spend so much money for me to learn English, but I still afraid of talking to Japanese in English. I remembered that my younger brother talked to others in English for several times. I think my English improved a little bit during my senior high school. In order to play the computer game - Ultima ( a role-playing game, with a lot of English conversation), I must look up many words in dictionary. And because there were so may words that I did not understand, I had to guess the meaning of the word to avoid to spend too much time on dictionary. But sometimes, I guess wrong, so that it took me even more time to solve the quest in the computer game. Therefore, to play the game quickly, I must find a balance between guessing the meaning of each word and understanding every word by dictionary.
The first to trip to japan made my eyes open. I began to enjoy travelling oversea to know to how they are different from us. Errrrrr, Got to take off the bus now.
( in Narita Airport )
I am eating Sankai Don (山海丼, raw fish on rice). Lucine is eating Sushi. Lynn is shopping, again, and I hope, again, she will not spend too much money. *grin* There is wifi signal in the airport. It will charge 500 Yen for one day. I have only 30 minutes left, so I keep typing this note offline.
( in the airplane )
There are many video advertisements on the small screen when the airplane is flying up. Maybe someday Google will notice this is also an opportunity to display personalized advertisement, althoughI remember that the experiment of Google advertisement on printed media failed. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, The EVA airline use Linux to build the on-plane interactive media. 喔喔喔喔喔, 剛剛拍到令科技阿宅超級興奮的畫面, 長榮航空機上互動娛樂媒體採用 Linux.
( Ouch, it really take me too much time to type in Chinese with Microsoft 新注音. ) After finishing his meal, Lucien is playing the photo frame craft kits. Lynn is helping Lucien to assemble the frame. I really really really thanks Lynn for arranging this trip. She spent a lot of time on Internet surfing to find correct information. For example, I suggest we should take a bus from Narita Airport to Tokyo Disney Sea. I've asked our travel agent, and I was so surprised that the Taiwan travel agent provide wrong information, they told me there was no such kind of bus, the travel agent suggest us to take electronic Japan Railroad !!! But Lynn find 利木津 bus can take us to Disney Land. *shouting* I LOVE YOU LYNN !!!!!!!!
The artificial environment in Tokyo Disney Sea is more delcate than the environment in Tokyo Disney Land. And the show in the night was really amazing. I suggest all of my friends should go to Disney to see the show ( and you can email me to ask to how to get a better position to see the show ) We give up 太陽劇團 in the Disney and choose many Disney's self-made show, like the Little Mermaid and Aladdin show.
Oh, the captain just announced that we are going to land on Taoyuan Airport in ten minutes. I have to turn off my computer now.
手動更新 ( LoudTwitter 壞掉了 )
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- 令科技阿宅超級興奮的畫面,長榮航空機上互動娛樂媒體採用 Linux 嗎 ? http://ping.fm/woL9fabout 4 hours ago from Ping.fm
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- @ivanusto 不可能吧,應該是 Vicodin 裡面含 hydrocodone 導致下市吧,而不是 含 acetaminophen 導致下市吧1:37 AM Jul 2nd from web
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- 工商服務: ZK 的 twitter 帳號是 @zkoss10:06 AM Jun 30th from web
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